What Are The Types Of Extramarital Affairs? How To Counsel Extramarital Affairs?
Extramarital affair is becoming more and more common in marital relationship, and extramarital affair can lead to the breakdown of marital relationship, seriously affecting the trust of husband and wife, and is a crucial reason for divorce.
An extramarital affair can happen unconsciously, for example, two people are colleagues, often cooperate in the workplace, become more friendly, have similar temperament and like to talk to each other, then they fall in love, after one or two meetings, they even have sexual relation, so their relationship become deeper and deeper, although they may feel guilty, they will mostly continue.
As for some people who have extramarital affair constantly, they are player of love or womanizer, they like the process and feeling of conquering the opposite sex, and enjoy the feeling of success or the result of manipulation. Therefore, the relationship is not deep but liked a loop “non-stop”, and there will be more than one extramarital affair at the same time.
Also, some extramarital affair may be due to the dullness of married life, having been married for several years, feeling unfulfilled, one desires for inner fulfillment, for example, romantic feeling, being understood, being supported, soul mate, or sexual fulfillment, etc. This kind of extramarital affair is more likely to occur at the turning stage of life, as one feel that life has lost its direction, feel lost, or dull, depressed, powerless, helpless, etc.
Even some extramarital affair is known to the spouse, but because they do not want to change or destroy the status quo of the marriage and family, they keep silent and the partner pretends does not know it.
Although extramarital affair can occur in the above-mentioned different situations, many people think that extramarital affair have nothing to do with them, and this is a fatal fallacy mentality, which weakens one’s sensibility and sensitivity, on the one hand, it increases the chance of extramarital affair, and on the other hand, when an extramarital affair occurs, it will also hinder the individual's sense of ability and determination to face and deal with extramarital affair.
Mentality determines the height. Generally, people who have extramarital affair tend to think that extramarital affair will not lead to divorce, or they will say: they have never thought about divorce. This is a serious difference in perception and concept. When the spouse has an extramarital affair, one will think of divorce at the first time, because one feel betrayed, so extramarital affair will fatally hurt the relationship between husband and wife.
Some people who have extramarital affair will explain that they have extramarital affair because the relationship has faded, or there is no feeling (the feeling is different from before, or no FEEL), one does not know how to improve the communication or deal with the situation, then enter into an extramarital affair and the dilemma, and this choice of extramarital affair complicates the marital situation, makes the relationship between husband and wife more difficult, and makes the feeling of powerlessness or helplessness more heavy.
Extramarital affair is always linked with sex, especially for men. If women have extramarital affair, most of them involve emotion and feeling aspect. Whether it is the former or the latter, it shows that there is a problem in the relationship between the husband and wife, which leads to ones turning to and relying on an outside third party to fill one’s own discontentment or emptiness, therefore, the core issue of extramarital affair is the relationship between the couple, therefore, it is necessary for the couple together to deal with the problem.
We all know that the sooner a relationship is dealt with, the easier it is to properly resolve it. The same is true of extramarital affair. The sooner an extramarital affair is dealt with, the more possibly it is to resolve the problem. Therefore, when the couple are facing with an extramarital affair, it is not to delay or avoid it, but to face it as soon as possible and find a professional counselor for help.
The result of extramarital affair is not necessarily divorce, the situation can be remedied, the relationship can be salvaged, even some couples can bravely face themselves and each other during the counselling process, earnestly communicate, then mutual-trust is rebuilt. With their hard work, the husband and wife become more mutually understood and tacit, and the marriage relationship can be better than before.
An extramarital affair can happen unconsciously, for example, two people are colleagues, often cooperate in the workplace, become more friendly, have similar temperament and like to talk to each other, then they fall in love, after one or two meetings, they even have sexual relation, so their relationship become deeper and deeper, although they may feel guilty, they will mostly continue.
As for some people who have extramarital affair constantly, they are player of love or womanizer, they like the process and feeling of conquering the opposite sex, and enjoy the feeling of success or the result of manipulation. Therefore, the relationship is not deep but liked a loop “non-stop”, and there will be more than one extramarital affair at the same time.
Also, some extramarital affair may be due to the dullness of married life, having been married for several years, feeling unfulfilled, one desires for inner fulfillment, for example, romantic feeling, being understood, being supported, soul mate, or sexual fulfillment, etc. This kind of extramarital affair is more likely to occur at the turning stage of life, as one feel that life has lost its direction, feel lost, or dull, depressed, powerless, helpless, etc.
Even some extramarital affair is known to the spouse, but because they do not want to change or destroy the status quo of the marriage and family, they keep silent and the partner pretends does not know it.
Although extramarital affair can occur in the above-mentioned different situations, many people think that extramarital affair have nothing to do with them, and this is a fatal fallacy mentality, which weakens one’s sensibility and sensitivity, on the one hand, it increases the chance of extramarital affair, and on the other hand, when an extramarital affair occurs, it will also hinder the individual's sense of ability and determination to face and deal with extramarital affair.
Mentality determines the height. Generally, people who have extramarital affair tend to think that extramarital affair will not lead to divorce, or they will say: they have never thought about divorce. This is a serious difference in perception and concept. When the spouse has an extramarital affair, one will think of divorce at the first time, because one feel betrayed, so extramarital affair will fatally hurt the relationship between husband and wife.
Some people who have extramarital affair will explain that they have extramarital affair because the relationship has faded, or there is no feeling (the feeling is different from before, or no FEEL), one does not know how to improve the communication or deal with the situation, then enter into an extramarital affair and the dilemma, and this choice of extramarital affair complicates the marital situation, makes the relationship between husband and wife more difficult, and makes the feeling of powerlessness or helplessness more heavy.
Extramarital affair is always linked with sex, especially for men. If women have extramarital affair, most of them involve emotion and feeling aspect. Whether it is the former or the latter, it shows that there is a problem in the relationship between the husband and wife, which leads to ones turning to and relying on an outside third party to fill one’s own discontentment or emptiness, therefore, the core issue of extramarital affair is the relationship between the couple, therefore, it is necessary for the couple together to deal with the problem.
We all know that the sooner a relationship is dealt with, the easier it is to properly resolve it. The same is true of extramarital affair. The sooner an extramarital affair is dealt with, the more possibly it is to resolve the problem. Therefore, when the couple are facing with an extramarital affair, it is not to delay or avoid it, but to face it as soon as possible and find a professional counselor for help.
The result of extramarital affair is not necessarily divorce, the situation can be remedied, the relationship can be salvaged, even some couples can bravely face themselves and each other during the counselling process, earnestly communicate, then mutual-trust is rebuilt. With their hard work, the husband and wife become more mutually understood and tacit, and the marriage relationship can be better than before.